Hello! I completed Linea's task, but it's not validating on the platform. I've checked it twice already. I can't access Interact's Discord because it always gives an error.

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The same here, I've finished the task to transfer ETH to Linea network, then click on Verify and it fails all the time, I already tried 3 times. Cannot access Discord for support as well.

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Maybe you bridged less than you should. Always check twicely if u don't wanna pay extra gas fees.

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Thank you but that isn’t the case. Bridge and swap were for more than the required minimum.

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No, I swap 28$ optimism-linea!

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Hi! Same here with me as mentioned by other users: i've made the task Wave 1: MetaMask but it is not validating. I've checked several times.... Maybe a window here we can just put the transaction hash would be nice.

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the tsak with bridge is done, but verefication fails... why??? 0xf5a040BE8856FfA22e10E1d4ee529254Fed09981

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seems a lot of users are having this problem...

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Boa noite, ja conclui as tarefas principais entre a metamask e rede linea fazendo a ponte, mas no site consta que nao foi concluida... alguem sabe o que fazer

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The same thing happened to me, the bridge is listed as not completed, but there is a record in my Metamask

A mesma coisa aconteceu comigo.

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tbm estou cm esse problema e parece que nao temos a quem recorrer...

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Limpem o cache, atualizem a página e entrem nas tarefas novamente, achei a informação fiz e deu certo

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Linea doesn't receive money!!!!

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Why dont the Twitter quests not work?

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Hello, I have only accomplished task from wave 6 to wave 10. Can I still able to receive LXP from linea?

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Hi! I've completed "Bridge at least $20 of ETH using MetaMask Portfolio (to Linea)", and tried to verifye 3 times, but the plataform couldn't veifiy my task-. why?

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Hi Intract.io,

I cannot join discord server (intract). It gives error "Unable to accept invite". Please someone take care of my issue.

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Hello, I missed wave 1. Will I still receive Linea X when I do waves 2 and 3? Thank you

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Hi .. On Linea Voyage Wave 2 I have bridged to my Linea wallet from at least 5 separate bridges on the list and have only been validated for 1 ....! how can I get this rectified? This is annoying as It took ages to do .. some did not work some too slow and gas on any was ridiculously high ...on some it was more than the $26 being sent !

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I bridge from MetaMask to Linea but it did not verify. Wouldn’t verify. Aldo kept me from completing Wave 0… I did however bridge and then I also swapped eth for eth ect but didn’t count/verify my quests/Waves. Thank you

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question, if i bridge 100 in eth in the wave 1, its valid for the wave 2, or should i make a new bridge?

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fui raqueado! Minha carteira foi roubada em algum aplicativo indicado aqui...

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